UCLA Army ROTC Alumni

 Friends in Arms Friends for Life

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Our Lives Now

As the years have passed, the Viet Nam Era UCLA Army ROTC graduates have gone in many directions and pursued varied interests.  The following information gives a glimpse of their years since graduation.  The information was developed from a questionnaire sent in 1997.


Where We Live – California: LA Metro 45,Orange Co. 7, San Diego 6, Bay Area 11,Sacramento 2, Other CA 3  Other States by Initial _ FL, GA, HI, IL, MT,NC, NJ, NY,OR, PA, SC, TX, WA  Other Countries – Norway, Philippines
What We Do – Lawyer 7, Engineer 3, Computer Consultant 3, Hospital/Medical Mmgt. 3, Retired Army 7, Retired 2, Math Inst. 1, English Inst 1, Dir. of Finance 1,  Dir. of Marketing 1, VP. Communications 1, VP-Controller 1, Physicist 1, EEO Off. 1, Union Off. 1, City Planner 1, Professional Hunter 1, CEO Foreign Trade Council 1,  Sheep rancher 1
People to Know – PhD’s 5, Judges 2, Chief Bureau of Traffic Management (LA), Past President, California Angels (baseball)
Politicians – Former Mayors 2, School Board Member, Civil Service Commissioner, Missouri Gubernatorial politics
Military Assignments - President Johnson’s Color Guard, President Nixon’s Inauguration, General’s Aide 2, Courier 1, Viet Nam 12, Korea 5, Taiwan 1, Thailand 3, Okinawa 1, US 9, Germany
ROTC Assignment – Cadet Company Commander with Gail Goodrich, Walt Hazard, and Arthur Ashe as Platoon Leaders
Military Rank - Highest military rank, Brigadier General

Military Decoration - Distinguished Service Cross

Wives/Husbands – Former UCLA Sabers 2, Married in uniform one maybe more, total years married 721
Army/ROTC Humor from 1997 Reunion
“We are from higher headquarters and we are here to help you."

The light at the end of the tunnel"

“Taking apart and putting together an M-14 only to pull the trigger and have it fall apart”

“When orders to RVN came, my LTC at Ft. Carson tried to sell life insurance to me since he was retiring and planning on selling life insurance.”
Army/ROTC Humor from 1997 Reunion 
“Driving through Haight-Ashbury from my apartment to the Presidio in full uniform and giving rides to hitch-hiking hippies.  They were aghast.”